2023 NPRSA Award of Excellence

Our 2021-2022 Annual Report received the 2023 National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) Award of Excellence. This NSPRA award is the highest honor that can be received on a national level and recognizes outstanding education publications and other materials!
The Annual Report shares stories of our students, staff, families and donors with our school community. From high-quality photos of our students to in-depth stories featuring our alumni, we strive to include all aspects of WPSBC in our Annual Reports. If you have yet to see our 2021-2022 Annual Report, check it out: https://4.files.edl.io/629b/01/03/23/181820-18d0020c-cc97-4ed9-957f-15c62e06dc95.pdf
Our work will be honored on the NSPRA website and during their annual meeting and seminar later this summer.