Arts and Enrichment » Arts and Music

Arts and Music

Since our founding in 1887, WPSBC has sought to enrich the education and lives of our students through the arts. Students benefit from specially tailored classes in the visual arts that are crafted to encourage skills development while instilling confidence and self-expression. 


In 2019, we developed an Arts Initiative to continue our longstanding tradition of quality art programming and enhance these expressive art opportunities for our students, all while fostering the transformative power of the arts through the following ways: 

  1. Engage "everyone as an artist" through innovative partnerships and learning opportunities. 
  2. Educate and increase awareness of the benefits and importance of the arts for students with visual impairment. 
  3. Transform our campus environment by showcasing student art and infusing additional artwork that recognizes the interests and visual needs of our audience.  

At our 2019 inaugural “Celebrate the Art of Learning” event, guests were treated to live music and a showcase of student-created and specially curated works of art.  



The performing arts have always been a significant part of the array of exciting experiences made available at the School, to both entertain and educate the students. Weekly music classes are a favorite for many students, as are many of the supplemental music experiences throughout the year. 


Students may participate in a Drum Circle, meeting with a small group of peers to learn new instruments and rhythms, while simultaneously practicing socialization skills. 


Additionally, the Primary, Middle and Secondary Programs each perform a holiday show for staff, families and community members each December as a special holiday gift to showcase all they’ve been learning throughout the year. 


A proud hallmark of our performance arts program is the Hilda M. Willis Creative Arts Series, which introduces our students to an exciting, diverse mix of fine, applied and performing artists every year. Established in 1993 thanks to a generous grant from the Hilda M. Willis Foundation, the series invites performers and artists to adapt their work so that, whenever possible, students with multiple disabilities can more fully interact and participate in the events. Whether inviting students to sing along, clap or use percussion instruments, performers not only bring the arts to life for students at the School but often experience their own art form a new in the process.